

The location of the terminals is privileged, since we are in the industrial heart of Mexico, with excellent rail and road connectivity to the main frontiers, ports and consumption centers of Mexico.

San Luis Potosí


Eje 120 # 595;  C.P. 78395;  Zona Industrial
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. México

Storage capacity of 76,500 munder roof.
Platforms for loading and unloading rail cars fully roofed.
Wide yards of maneuvers and areas of truck recovery.
Modern ramps for loading and unloading trailers.
Railway scales and public highway.

Comonfort, Guanajuato


Carretera Celaya aComonfort, Km. 12 #1,300
Ejido Soria en Comonfort, Guanajuato.

162,865 m2 capacity for 450 rail units. Large, fully paved switchyards.
28,500 m2 of outdoor storage. 50,000 m2 of territorial reserve for future growth.
Railway scales and public highway.

Kansas City Southern Terminal SIP Terminal SIP